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How does Z2 handheld fat and muscle ultrasound scanner work?

Ultrasound Technology & Intelligent algorithm measurement

Ultrasonic waves with high frequencies over 20,000 Hz have the characteristics of directional propagation, reflectivity, and non-invasiveness. Therefore, it is often used for human ultrasound imaging examination.

Here is how Z2/pro work:

  • The Z2/pro handheld ultrasound sccaner emits high-frequency (5 MHz) sound waves into your body through a probe;
  • The sound waves travel into your body and hit a boundary between tissues (e.g. between fat and muscle, muscle and bone);
  • Some of the sound waves get reflected back and return to the probe, while some travel further until they reach another boundary and get reflected;
  • The reflected waves are received by the probe and transformed into electrical signal;
  • The machine calculates the distance from the probe to the tissue boundaries according to the speed of sound in tissue and the time of the each echo’s return;
  • The machine displays the distances and intensities of the echoes on the screen, forming an image, such as the images below, from SonoZone (A-Mode).


Body tissue, like muscles, fat or bone has a ultrasound property called “acoustic impedance.” It is determined by the density of the substance, which ultimately affects how much of the emitted sound wave passes through it, and how much is reflected back to the transducer. As shown in the image below, fascia layer has the strongest echo, the it will be shown as white highlight in sonagram. So, we can tell which layer is fat or muscle.

ultrasound phenomenon of subcutanesous adipose tissue