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The differences between a leg massager, an SCD device for DVT/PE , and a lymphedema pump

A sequential compression device, a leg massager,  a lymphedema pump and the combination of these devices. These products seem somewhat similar, but the prices vary greatly. This article provides detailed comparisons of these devices in terms of usage, performance, price, and specific parameters. You can choose according to your own needs and budget.

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Airpro600 sequential compression deviceA SCD for DVT/PEA leg massagerLymphedema pumps
Application and How it works1, Leg massager
How: Improve circulation to help Legs or muscle relaxation;

 2, DVT and PE prevention
How: not only mimics ambulation, but moves more blood faster to assure blood velocity and volume, reduce the factors that lead to thrombosis, and prevent DVT and PE; a quick inflation time (usually less than 10s) is must

 3, Lymphoedema alleviation
How: deliver enough pressure to promote blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, and help the return of tissue fluid to the capillaries, thus eliminating edema
1, Leg massager
How: Improve circulation to help Legs or muscle relaxation;

 2, DVT and PE prevention
How: not only mimics ambulation, but moves more blood faster to assure blood velocity and volume, reduce the factors that lead to thrombosis, and prevent DVT and PE; a quick inflation time (usually less than 10s) is must
Leg massager How: Improve circulation to help Legs or muscle relaxation;Lymphoedema alleviation How: deliver enough pressure to promote blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, and help the return of tissue fluid to the capillaries, thus eliminating edema
Pressure typeAccording different uses
1, For DVT/PE- gradient, sequential, stable, up to thigh pressure;
2, For Lymphoedema- greater, sequential, stable pressure
For DVT/PE- gradient, sequential, up to thigh pressure;Sequential pressuregreater, sequential, stable pressure
Price ($)$1599.00Usually, $2000~$5000, you can explore link below:
Best Portable Sequantial Compression Device (SCD) 2022
Medical Device ClassClass IIClass IInot medical devicesClass I or Class II
Touchable and intuitive screenyes///
various Treatment sessionsYes, usually 0~99minsYes, usually 0~99minsNo, only several fixed sessions to choose fromNo, only several fixed sessions to choose from
Power supplylithium-ion battery or hospital-grade power cordlithium-ion battery or hospital-grade power cordpower cordlithium-ion battery or(hospital-grade) power cord
PPR (precise pressure retaining) yes///
Based on each individual’s treatment cycleyesyes//
5 years working life for the main unit